
Showing posts from March, 2025

Knowing Right from Wrong

Google Image One of my all-time, favorite movies was produced in 1989 and was entitled, “Do the Right Thing.” P roduced, written and directed by Spike Lee , “the story explores a Brooklyn   neighborhood's simmering racial tension  between its African American   residents and the Italian American  owners of a pizzeria…,” according to Wikipedia. As the name implies, it deals with a moral dilemma. So, how do we know how to “do the right thing?” Francis Collins, the retired director of the National Institutes of Health and former director of the Human Genome Project - of whom I’ve written often - grew up as a “practical atheist.” Irrelevant to Him He wasn’t so much a denier of God’s existence. It just didn’t occur to him in all his studies to become a medical doctor, then a renowned genetic scientist, to ask the God question. It was irrelevant to him, as it seems to many people. The awakening to this question extended over several years and began when as a ...