Is Faith Childish?
Google Image At a recent visit to the house of my son and daughter-in-law near Chicago, my 3-year-old grandson pointed to the bald spot on the back of my head and asked, “Papa, what happened?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “What happened to your hair?” he asked. “It fell out,” I said. “Where is it?” he asked. “I don’t know,” I responded. “Maybe it’s at your house,” he suggested, trying to be helpful. We may see this as “cute,” but it’s a perfectly logical question given his knowledge of the situation. No one would accuse him of being stupid or even ignorant. A 3-year-old, after all, can’t be expected to understand the vagaries of aging. Even we who are experiencing it don’t understand them. Exaggerating the Differences It has often occurred to me how much we exaggerate the differences between us and children. We see the differences as huge. But are they really? We may think of children as naïve and uninformed. Does that mean we’re sophisticated and brilli...