Do What We’ve Always Done?

Google Image It may not come as a surprise to most readers of this blog that the presidential election did not go my way. And I’m not encouraged by the choices for government leadership made by the winner nor by the chances they'll make America “great again” let alone better. But first, a disclaimer. Despite the above paragraph, this blog is not about politics. It’s a look at the condition of the country and the world and how it affects the outlook and the work facing those of us seeking God. I’m concerned about following the gospel message. But in case you haven’t noticed, politics and ethical and moral issues often overlap. People who share my views of the election results can’t stop asking themselves how it happened. Why did so many people, especially those who are at the bottom of the economic ladder, vote for what appears to be against their interests? A recent article in America magazine helps answer this question. Increasingly Precarious “American workers are...