Should A Skeptic Pray?
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As a missionary years ago among the Aymara people of Bolivia, I was struck by the popularity of a statue in the church I served. It was by far the most popular in the church, which in the Spanish colonial style, was filled with often bloody images of Jesus, and of Mary and the saints.
The statue depicted “Santiago
Matamoros,” or St. James the Moor Killer, who according to legend, miraculously
appeared in a ninth century battle in which the Spanish defeated the Moors,
Muslims who ruled all or parts of Spain for nearly 800 years.
Parishioners burning
candles in front of the statue, I learned, prayed to this saint to
intercede with God to punish their enemies – people who they believed had
stolen beans or other crops from their fields or had offended them in other
Learning this, I knew
I had my work cut out for me. This idea of a punitive God was, for me, among the burdens and distortions
of faith laid on the native people of the Americas by the Spanish colonists.
Contrast this type of
prayer with what Pope Francis told a group of homeless people in his recent
trip to the U.S.
“Payer unites us; it
makes us brothers and sisters… In prayer, we all learn to say, ‘Father, Dad’ …
and when we say Father or Dad we learn to see one another as brother and
For some, it may seem
odd to write about prayer in a blog meant for skeptics. But the skeptics I
write for are also searching for God and that, in my view, makes the subject
A Problem with the Idea of Prayer?
I understand that many have a problem with the idea of prayer. How can we believe there is a being who reads our minds or hears our spoken words? What language does God speak? And if God knows what we need, why pray for it? What about two people who pray for opposites - such as one person praying for rain, another for clear weather? Whose prayer does God answer?
I can’t
satisfactorily answer these questions, although I have some theories. What I
know is that Jesus taught his disciples – and by extension, us – to pray, and
prayer helps me. When I’m uptight, stressed or beset by irrational fears, sitting
down in a quiet place, closing my eyes and talking it over with God almost
always brings peace, and sometimes resolution.
I understand that many have a problem with the idea of prayer. How can we believe there is a being who reads our minds or hears our spoken words? What language does God speak? And if God knows what we need, why pray for it? What about two people who pray for opposites - such as one person praying for rain, another for clear weather? Whose prayer does God answer?
Prayer, in fact, may
be the most convincing evidence of a relationship with God. It binds us to God,
and as the pope said, to each other. Despite doubt and skepticism, prayer underpins
whatever amount of faith we have, helping us be serious in our search for God.
Though it’s a bit
personal, I’ll tell you about how I pray, which may not be the way you wish to
do it. I pray at set times each day, morning and evening, and often during the
day – before meals, for the deceased and their families when I read the
obituaries or for people in trouble when I hear sirens, and just when I feel
like talking with God.
I believe set times
for prayer are important, and although I’m retired with more time than most
people, I did it all the years I was working. Unless I set specific times for
prayer, I may not do it.
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I recall a Hebrew
Bible passage in which God says to Solomon, King David’s son and king of Israel
about 1,000 years before Christ: “Since … you have not asked for wealth,
possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not
asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge …. I will grant you wisdom
and knowledge.”
These may not seem like
great prizes. But I believe they are the keys to finding God.
The specific “gifts”
I ask the Father to bestow through the Spirit are love, faith, wisdom, peace and joy. They
have a certain progressivity. One naturally follows the other. If you love, it’s
much easier to have faith. If you have faith, to have wisdom; and if wisdom, to
have peace and even joy.
But, of course, it
doesn’t work so neatly. It’s not a formula. I sometimes wonder if I can ever
really get to Step 1, let alone actually have faith, be wise, have peace or joy.
On the other hand, the more I pray for these gifts, the more I’m aware of their
importance and the more I recall them throughout the day. Over the long haul, I
believe God is answering my prayer.
As for the Aymara
people who prayed for retribution against their enemies, I believe God
understood and forgave their distortion of prayer just as he/she does ours.
Though we may pray best when “we go to our room, shut the door and pray to our
Father who is in secret,” as Jesus instructs in Mathew’s gospel, I believe it helps to regularly pray with other believers and to adopt as our own prayers of others that seem to speak to our hearts,
like this one by Thomas Merton.
Nor Do I Know Myself“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
“But I believe that
the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire
in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that
desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though
I may know nothing about it.
“Therefore will I
trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I
will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my
perils alone.”
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